If you have any questions ask in the comment I’ll respond to you. The most accurate are depth micrometers (electronic, dial and vernier) and dial indicator depth gages. If you find this article helpful please share this with your friends. Step3: Rotate the ratchet stop until the spindle contacts the item. Make sure the micrometer is perpendicular to the surfaces being measured. Step2: Slightly place the item to be measured against the anvil of the digital micrometer. The difference between this reading and the reading in step 4 is the height of the measured point above the reference surface. Step1: Carefully open the jaws of the digital outside micrometer by revolving the ratchet. Place height gauge in position and lower movable jaw until rod of the depth gauge contacts the measured point of the part feature.Raise the movable jaw to clear the obstruction on the part.Write down the reading, do not depend on memory.Set the depth gauge rod with its end in contact with the surface plate.Thoroughly clean and inspect the attachment.The above situations are shown in the figure below: Vernier Depth Gauge Errors Steps for Using Depth Gauge Files (3) Depth gauge micrometer digital / Renderings Folder November 7th, 2012 COMPONENTS. This is my best guess on some dimensions as I do not have one to measure. Point pressure carts the base a trifle. Depth gauge micrometer digital Miles Graydon July 18th, 2012 2 1/4' diameter face depth gauge micrometer McMaster Carr number 2357A1 with economy base number 20665A81.

Brown u0026 Sharpe TESA 60.30069 Digital depth gauge micrometer.
The end of the beam is square and flat like the end of the steel rule and the base is flat and true, free from curves or waviness. The depth gauge is made precisely so that the beam is perpendicular to the base in both directions.