Where is she now? Perhaps wisely, Red Oyster has almost completely stayed off the internet since her time on FoL. Known for: Wearing red every day, spying on the other girls for Flav There is not much info about her on the internet except that she has children and lives in Los Angeles. Where is she now? Tika apparently left the world of entertainment, ashamed to be second-place to a biscuit. Known for: Being ignored by Flav’s Mom for a biscuit She has pretty much shut down her social media. In 2016 she was investigated for ALLEGEDLYL running an escort agency fronting as a modeling agency, but was never charged with anything. Where is she now: She returned to being a model in Atlanta, GA. Known for: Being a model, talking constantly about being a model Where is she now: Apparently a fairly successful musician. Known for: Admitting to going on the show to advance her music career Insta: Unsure, but I think it’s voter? Unknown She briefly worked as a red-carpet correspondent, but she has apparently disappeared from the internet. Known for: Screaming at everyone and getting in a huge fight with New York Where is she now: She is an actress, comedian, and Michelle Obama impersonator in Brooklyn. She was so boring that I didn't bother finding a better picture. Where is she now: She is an Account Executive for Skinceuticals in Pasadena Known for: Going on the show even though she had a boyfriend of 4 years Miss Latin, aka Xotchitl Adriana Rodriguez Where is she now: She owns a hair extension company in San Diego. She refers to herself as a “business woman, model, singer, actress, radio personality, and film producer.” Where is she now: She is the founder of Proof Positive Healing Ministries and is a realtor. Where is she now: Couldn’t find anything about her, but I don’t care bc she was boring Where is she now: She is a stay-at-home mom living in Las Vegas. Known for: Being so boring that Flav couldn’t think of a nickname for her. Where is she now: Smokey is now a singer who goes by the name of Portia Dee. However, there is only one list that matters: A “where are they now” of Flavor of Love contestants. There are no doubt going to be many important lists reviewing the most significant events of 2018. It has been a decade since Flavor of Love debuted.